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An exciting year ahead!!!

By 18:15:00 , , ,

Just thought I'd check in to write a quick post of what I'm getting up to this year, as its been a bit quiet on here for the last week or so following my last post on the CBA nominations. The deadline for this was over a week ago so I hope you all got a chance to vote, I'm now really looking forward to the CBA's themselves which are less than a month away.

Unfortunately, I don't have tickets, being a parent to a 14 month old I do not go far without him and the thought of leaving him at a relatively young age for a few nights is still an uncomfortable idea for me. I also don't think the other dancers would appreciate having a 14 month old screaming throughout the awards ceremony, poking others in the face and attempting to break free and crawl across the dance floor. So no CBA's for me in person at least. I've heard tickets are available to watch the CBA's online from home - I've not had a chance to look into this yet but if they are then chances are I'll probably choose this option.

Next up, I am very much looking forward to going to Abingdon on Sunday to a Karl-Harry Winson workshop - I promise to post photos, videos and scripts for all dances so watch this space for a post (later) next week.

I also intend to do a little post in the next day or so regarding a new dance of Maggie G's called "Gerry's Reel". You may have noticed my name at the bottom of the dance script - more on how this came about along with video and dance script will follow.

Talking of Maggie, I am hoping to attend another local workshop in May at Berkeley where she is the featured choreographer/instructor for the 5 year anniversary of Boogie shoes so I'm looking forward to that.

I also have a Robbie Mcgowan Hickie workshop I'm hoping to attend later in the year and a social to raise funds for Pancreatic cancer.

More to follow on all of these in future posts.

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