Firstly, I just want to say a huge congratulations to all the nominees for the Crystal Boot Awards (some of whom are featured below), every single nominee strongly deserved their nominations and has contributed to make Line Dancing in the UK (and beyond) as wonderful as it is, so thank you so very much to you, the team at Linedancer Magazine and also to the instructors out there without whom many of us would not be line dancing.
Before I go any further I would just like to confirm that due to various commitments over the weekend and technical issues with access (thanks Betty Drummond for finally getting me access!) I was unable to watch much of the weekend over the live broadcast so much of my information comes second hand from my Mum and Facebook so thank you to all those who have posted pictures and videos online from the weekend.
So without further ado the winners are (with photo's courtesy of CBA website):
Dedicated Dance Artist - Outstanding Achievement: Natalie Thurlow
Dedicated Dance Artist : Richard Palmer
Dedicated Dance DJ: Dave Baycroft
Female Dance Personality: Jo Thompson-Szymanski (on the left)
Male Dance Personality: Karl-Harry Winson
UK Instructor & UK Choreographer: Rachael McEnaney-White
International Instructor: Ria Vos
International Choreographer: Niels Poulsen
Dancers' Choice : Walt Hsu
The Irene Crossley for the love of dance award: Jean Webb
Star Award for outstanding contribution: Jean Garr
A self confessed cheese-and-choco-holic mum of one living with my partner, cat and dog deep in the depths of the North Cotswolds. I love anything creative - knitting, crochet, adult colouring etc and am usually found working on some project or another. Why not join me on my adventures as a first time mum as I experience the ups, downs and everything in between that comes from being a working part time mum
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Hi I'm Gemma. A self confessed cheese-and-choco-holic mum of one living with my Husband(Cotswold Dad aka CD), son (Cotswold Kid aka CK), cat and dog deep in the depths of the North Cotswolds. I love anything creative - knitting, crochet, adult colouring etc and am usually found working on some project or another. Why not join me on my adventures as a first time mum as I experience the ups, downs and everything in between that comes from being a working part time mum.