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NEW DANCE - Like a Boomerang

By 16:15:00 , , , , ,

I came across a lovely track the other day when listening to one of my partner's new CD's. He is a mobile DJ and is always receiving new CD's with the latest music on and every now and then I get to hear a track which perhaps hasn't really hit the mainstream yet.

That's how I came to hear the song 'Boomerang' by Emin and featuring Nile Rogers. The minute I heard the track I knew it was perfect for a line dance and with the phrasing of the music I knew it would make a great 32 count dance.

I put the music on and pretty much danced the first 24 counts right there and then before adding on the end. The only down side is that with the phrasing of the music you either need to have 2 restarts or a tag. I was going to go for restarts - it seemed to work ok but then I realised my first restart meant restarting the dance on the front wall and that wasn't going to work for me.

A 16 count tag is also quite big by line dance standards but then I remembered one of my favourite classic dance's "Patient Heart" also had a similar length tag in so I knew I could make it work. I put together something simple and that was it - all done. I had written a 32 count, 4 wall improver dance.

My next problem was getting the dance videoed - I'm not a fan of videoing dances in people's houses, I think it looks better on a dance floor and gives more of an accurate idea of how much floor space is needed for the dance. I am not a line dance instructor, I don't have my own class, or my own hall but on Thursday I was asked to cover my friend's class. It was the perfect opportunity to get my dance videoed and here is the finished product, "Like a Boomerang":

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Line Dancer Magazine

Thank you

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