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NEW DANCE - Little love cha cha (Beginner)

By 14:37:00 , , , , , , , ,

So I heard the new Little Mix track 'Love me like you' and I loved it!

It was the perfect music for a Beginner level dance and I more or less choreographed this in 5 minutes whilst at my desk at work (without even having the music to hand).

Unfortunately the song name is very similar to Ellie Goulding's Love me like you do so I decided to choose a completely different name - Its a dance to "Little" mix, the song is called "Love" me like you do and it's a "cha cha" - not very original I know - But it works lol!

Billy and his Newliner's class were kind enough to have a go at this last night and their efforts are fantastic - especially as some of the dancers were absolute beginners on their first week - I think you'll agree some of them did very well!

I've uploaded this to youtube and you can view the script here

Links to Copperknob & Linedancer will be updated as and when these are available.

Let me know what you think

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